Discuss the philosophies of quality gurus

Discuss the philosophies of quality gurus
Discuss the philosophies of quality gurus.
LO9.2 Define the term quality as it relates to products and as it relates to services.
LO9.3 Identify the determinants of quality.
LO9.4 Explain why quality is important and the consequences of poor quality.
LO9.5 Describe and give examples of the costs associated with quality.
LO9.6 Discuss the importance of ethics in managing quality.
LO9.7 Compare the quality awards.
LO9.8 Discuss quality certification and its importance.
LO9.9 Describe TQM.
LO9.10 Give an overview of problem solving.
LO9.11 Give an overview of process improvement.
LO9.12 Describe the Six Sigma methodology.
LO9.13 Describe and use various quality too
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