Assignment 1 [1] Download the data file CHICK6.csv from Assignment 1. [2] Load the CHICK6.csv data into R and rename it so that it includes your own name or initials (for example, we might name our dataset JunfuCHICK6 ). [3] Generate the mean and the standard deviation for the variables Y, PC, PB, and YD from the CHICK6.csv data set. [4] You are going to run a regression (in [5]) where Y is the dependent variable, and PC, PB, and YD are the independent variables. Discuss whether you think the independent variable PB will have a negative or positive eect on the dependent variable. In your decision, try to use as much economic theory as you can — theory is what motivates what variables are included in a model and what sign we anticipate for the model’s estimates. [5] Estimate the model in R and present the results. [6] Interpret the results for the coefficient PB from your model. Make sure to include whether or not the result aligned with your expectations.