Assess geriatric rehabilitation process
An 81-year-old woman usually lives
alone in a bungalow. She is currently
recovering in hospital following pneumonia. Her past medical history includes
ischaemic heart disease and Parkinson’s
disease. Despite optimal medical management, her balance has deteriorated.
Prior to admission, she was able to walk
around her property without any aids. The
multidisciplinary team now feel she needs
something to help her balance and lower
her risk of falling around her home. She
wishes to be able to carry things, such as
meals and hot drinks, from her kitchen
to her living room at times when nobody
else is in her property. Her home has quite
wide doorways but contains a number of
turns to navigate. Which of the following
walking aids would be most suitable for
her needs?
A. a four-wheeled household trolley
B. a four-wheeled walking frame with an
attached tray
C. a non-wheeled walking frame with an
attached tray
D. a single walking stick
E. a two-wheeled walking frame with an
attached tray
Rehabilitation and Transfers of Care 133
Question 210
Which of the following statements
regarding walking sticks is correct?
A. correct length is the handle at level of
wrist crease with arms hanging freely
at sides while standing bare-footed
B. people with dementia benefit equally
to people without dementia
C. sticks with crook handles tend to be
less comfortable to use
D. tripod sticks aid weight transfer when
climbing flights of stairs
E. white sticks with red stripes indicate
that the user has complete visual loss
Question 211
Which duration of moderate-intensity
exercise is recommended as the minimum each week for people over the age
of 65 living in the UK?
A. 60 minutes
B. 75 minutes
C. 120 minutes
D. 150 minutes
E. 180 minutes
Question 212
Based on currently available evidence,
which of the following interventions is
most likely to improve the physical function of older people with frailty in acute
care settings?
A. comprehensive geriatric assessment
B. medication review
C. nutritional support intervention
D. physical exercise intervention
E. vitamin D supplementation
Question 213
Which of the following beneficial
effects is most likely to be realised by
performing discharge planning?
A. financial cost savings
B. improved patient independence
C. reduced 90-day readmission rates
D. reduced healthcare-associated infection rates
E. reduced in-hospital mortality
Question 214
According to the King’s Fund, which
of the following is the most accurate
description of the term ‘rehabilitation’?
A. a holistic assessment that guides multidisciplinary intervention for chronic
B. a process aiming to restore personal
autonomy in those aspects of daily
living considered most relevant by
patients or service users and their family carers
C. a process of assisting people with disabilities in improving, recovering or
limiting decline
D. a process to enable people to fulfil,
or to work towards fulfilling, their
potential as occupational beings
E. a process to restore daily living skills
in older people recovering from acute
Question 215
Which of the following statements is
most true about ‘goal setting’ in geriatric
A. adult rehabilitation and geriatric rehabilitation follow identical goal-setting