Connectedness in the Thirteenth Century: Cultural, Economic, and Intellectual Exchanges

Part I:
Let’s focus on a major course theme: connectedness. The Mongols, Europeans, and Islamic empires enjoyed a great deal of cultural, economic, and intellectual exchange during the thirteenth century. Despite frequent military conflicts, Mongols, Europeans, and Mamluks were part of an increasingly interconnected world. These connections can be seen in the flow of ideas, goods, and people. Many religions, for example, traveled along the Silk Road and took root in different regions—often merging with local beliefs and traditions. Provide 3 specific examples of this interconnectedness from the readings. Each example should be from a different reading.
Part II:
As we learned last week, history can tell us a lot about the writer. Let’s put this into practice! Reverse-analyze Ibn Khaldun’s description of Bedouin civilization. What does the text tell us about the Mamluk Empire and Islamic culture during the 14th century? Name at least two Islamic values or beliefs.
Part III:
Write a Works Cited page entry for The Travels of Ibn Battuta. Relevant information can be found on the last page of the reading. Check the Little Seagull Handbook for information on how to format Works Cited page entries.
*For Parts I and II, use in-text MLA citations when paraphrasing or quoting.
***Label each part (Part I, II, III.)

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