Imagine you are a front line reporter during WWII.
Select a battle or campaign from the following: Eastern Front, Western Front,Italian Front, D-Day, or Stalingrad.
Write three 150- to 300-word dispatches with updates explaining how the alliance is winning or losing the battle or campaign. What are the impacts of the victories and failures on the soldiers/army (countries) you are imbedded with? Include the dates of your dispatches.
Do this on 3 different pages (all in the same document) These all need to be about events on the same front. Imagine you are imbedded with a group of soldiers. They need to have dates that would make sense regarding the historical timeline. Try not to make them all on the same date if you are focusing on a front. They could be three days in a row OR spread out over a few weeks. If you are doing a specific battle (ex D-Day) you can spread them out over the course of June 6th OR you can follow the war from that point on. As a reporter, try and remember what kind of information you would have access to and would be allowed to make public.
Describe the outcome of the war in a 550- to 700-word newspaper article.